China: Strategy Behinds BORDER
China never follows any rule of United Nation except Vito. Vito is made for positive use, not for negative use, not to suppress any country, not for stop any surging country, today if the Kim jong-un rising, the credit goes into the favor of China. China provides him atomic weapon theory and now it is a headache for the earth. China is like a scorpion no one can help him even that it is moaning and after some times North-Korea also become a headache for dragon and his army. China wants most regions under his orders because he wants more places for mining, planting factories and if it is not possible he will convert these places into the military base. China's Strategies against India :- China wants to become best in Asia, but India and Japan are the two countries who can stop him, China knows this fact well. So he wants to see a fear in India if China. the fear which can be easily found Nepal and Bhutan. Let's know more about Nepal. Nepal Borrowed some money from Chin